A stop over cultural center located on they to Rongai Route and Lake Chala which offers different cultural experience for tourist who are interested with cultural activities and meet locals off the beaten trails..
If you are interested to learn about the real Chaga culture, plan to climb Mount Kilimanjaro through Rongai route or visit Lake Chala you can stop at Mkuu Cultural center and enjoy local experience where cultural tours like Coffee tour farm to cup experience, hot local Chagga food tasting, cooking classes, traditional dancing experience, banana brew tasting, and more are offered.
Is your chance to meet locals Chagga ethnic group who are settled on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Your visit will help to preserve the cultural resources of the area, creating jobs to locals and improving locals livelihood.

Photo above., showing the traditional dancing group enjoying banana beer after singing and dancing with the Volunteer Elizabeth from Canada.